You are trying to use relative imports in python, but you encounter one of the exceptions ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package. Yes, relative imports can be confusing from time to time. In this article, we see the method used by python interpreter to resolve the relative imports and how we can fix this issue.
1.If you can not use alphadin.bst
in your TexStudio:
save alphadin.bst
file from here to your local device, and keep it with the same file with your .tex file.
1. update
db.collection.update(criteria, objNew, upset, multi)
criteria: The search condition of update,
objNew: The object or operator of update, like $set, $inc, $setOnInsert
upsert: If the criteria doesn’t exist, if insert objNew, true is insert, default[false], not insert.
multi: default[false], just update the first record of the founded result, if this argument is true, update all founded records.
Recently the computer was broken, so all study resources were lost, and before I didn’t like backup files, I had to learn to build a personal blog with Hexo and Github. Write this file, so last time will not waste too much time to redo the same things as today.
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